Monday, March 10, 2014

Tighten Up Those Lyrics, Guys, and You've Got a Hit!

And from that same 1969 Amboy Dukes album we discussed last week -- featuring a certain asshole who shall be nameless here forever more -- please enjoy, if possible, an obscure track recommended by faithful reader Mr. Minimac.

Who informed us that the reason this sounded strangely familiar (I know for a fact that I never listened to the LP back in the day) because it showed up in a bar scene in season 3 of Breaking Bad.

Well, it certainly sounds creepy enough to be the soundtrack for Walter White.

P.S.: As you may recall, a certain asshole who shall be nameless here forever more still claims that he had no idea that his first hit was about drugs -- this despite the fact that it was entitled "Journey to the Center of Your Mind," which one would think might have been a clue. However, faithful reader and chum Billy B. noted that the cover to the album containing said hit...

...should have been an even bigger clue.


  1. Wow. I really hate that kind of music.

    What do you expect from a clueless asshole?

  2. i was about 95% certain that many years ago i read an interview with mr. macho describing his successful 'i'm desperate to avoid going into the army' interview with a draft board, for which he prepared by taking amphetamines and avoiding personal hygiene for some (no doubt exaggerated) extended length of time. and, sure enough, the google happily provides many links to ted proudly saying as much in the 70s, before it might have been politically awkward.

  3. Brooklyn Girl3/10/2014 12:08 PM

    "Journey to the Center of Your Mind"

    Assumes gray matter not in evidence --- at least not when discussing Ted.

  4. it's "Journey to the Center of THE Mind", dicks

  5. I regret the error.

    In my defense, of course, unlike Ted I actually HAVE done drugs, which have probably screwed up my mind.

  6. Please choose one:

    You're welcome

    I'm sorry

    Footnote: Vocals courtesy of Rusty Day who went on to front the truly wretched Cactus prior to his ignoble death.

  7. Anonymous said...
    it's "Journey to the Center of THE Mind", dicks

    Nobody cares that much, in case you haven't noticed, dick.

  8. you cared enough to comment didn't you?
