Thursday, May 29, 2014

Taking a Mental Health Day...

...and a deeply needed one, I might add.

Fear not, however -- a new old Weekend Listomania will definitely appear in these precincts on the morrow.

Scout's honor.


  1. Brooklyn Girl5/29/2014 4:31 PM

    I have this on a vintage key ring, somewhere around here ...

  2. Or as Brother Theodore would say, "If it weren't for my madness, I would have gone insane long ago!"

  3. This R Crumb character was printed on hits of blotter acid in the early seventies. Two hits of Mr. Natural would spark life and vigor into your teenage dance party and put a little lightning in your shoes.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. Smile. A little Safety Last might help.

    Vickie Rock recovering from a very Shitty show last night.

    Vickie Rock
