Friday, July 11, 2014

Your Weekend Moment of Power Pop Heaven: Special Marshall Crenshaw is God! Edition

And from his 1985 meisterwork (well, okay, his most underrated LP) Good Evening, please enjoy yet another one of my favorite Marshall tracks -- the quite beyond awesome "Someplace Where Love Can't Find Me."

The album was Marshall's attempt to go for a slightly harder, more rocked out sound than he had done previously, and I think on the basis of this you have to agree he succeeded.

I should add that the quite astounding slide guitar work on the track is by quite astounding slide guitar genius Sonny Landreth.

I should also add that if you ever get a chance to experience Landreth's work in concert, don't hesitate. It will be, quite literally, the most amazingly psychedelic experience you will ever have legally.

See you all on Monday.


  1. VASTLY underrated...

  2. Blue Ash Fan7/11/2014 10:52 AM

    A few years ago at an Ian Hunter City Winery show, I turned around and realized that none other than Mr. Crenshaw was standing right behind me. I'm not a big fan by any stretch of the imagination, but that was still plenty cool.

    "Whenever You're on My Mind" is a power pop masterpiece, IMHO.

    This tune is way cool, too, I must admit. As is yesterday's Crenshaw track.

  3. A John Hiatt penned tune by the way. Also, I think Sonny Landreth was in Hiatt's band at the time. Don't know if Hiatt's ever put his own version out. Anyone know?

    Landreth definitely is a trip. But I'd still rather see Lindley in a solo live setting. I gave his daughter Roseanne some of my dad's more tasteless polyester shirts from the 1970's at a show at Little Bridges Auditorium in Claremont which is essentially a very old church with a wonderful pipe organ. I'm sure he's worn them proudly since.

    Lindley's road manager, Paul, used to trade tapes with me, that is, before David started selling his own and it became uncool. David is on this album too, which has quite a bit of outside material and help.

    The juxtaposition of the uptempo feel and heartbroken lyrics works for me. You know, dance until the dust receives your trouble. Shake off the demon. Truck your fubbles away. Words I live by.

    Vickie Rock - listening to Syd Straw singing I've Been the One and thinking about Merrilee Rush and Evie Sands in a nude embrace. If you're gonna do horse, it may as well be Golden Palomino.

  4. love Marshall but this album didn't do it for me or Ira Robbins who said "too much whiny slide guitar," taking the words right out of my mouth.

  5. I should have mentioned Hiatt wrote this. My bad.

  6. Thank you for posting this, I'm a huge fan but have to admit I don't listen to this nearly as much as other albums. I really like On the Run & You Should have been there. BTW if people haven't checked out Jaggedland or 447 or MoS you absolutely have to. :-D

  7. Brooklyn Girl, sort of7/12/2014 3:55 PM

    Landreth is a regular, and favorite, at the New Orleans Jazz Fest, for obvious reasons. Haven't been in a few years but would love to go back ---
