Thursday, October 02, 2014

Beatles Week: Part IV -- Your Thursday Moment of Words Fail Me

You know, for years, I've tried to figure out how the Fabs played the cool acoustic guitars on this.

And now, thanks to the intertubes, I know.

I am depressed beyond words at my lack of six-string intuition, but better late than never, I suppose.

[h/t Captain Al]


  1. I have always talked this song up as an excellent unsung Beatles tune. The composition of this is brilliant -- an ABACA -- but no returning "B"! -- structure -- which they did not use very often to such brilliant effect -- especially with the changes from the minor to the major chords

    But, yes, it's played better with two guitars so you can get the different strumming patterns blended.

    Short song, but oh so sweet...

  2. BTW--a brand new (Beatle-themed) Weekend Listomania will appear here tomorrow.

  3. Summer of 1964. A Beatle song with no chorus. Lotsa radio airplay and requests for an LP track off of the import LP. Shoulda been on Something New. Though I've always had a soft spot for Beatles '65, in spite of the harsh moonlight.

    Vikie Rock - May I disembowel Shawn Colvin now

  4. Geez, that's effing brilliant.

    And credit to George Martin, who could make 2 strummed acoustic guitars sound more lush than a full orchestra.

  5. check out all of that guy's videos. He's got every correct voicing, chord position of those tunes. Amazing.

  6. My God...that bridge is frickin' gorgeous. I think some of the strums on the steel-string were off in places, but it was awful close. Lennon often tried to sneak that cha-cha-cha beat in, I think.

  7. Exact guitars too, as far as I can tell.

    Vickie Rock - Rosanne Cash at my alma mater tonight

  8. John said he was inspired by Del's "Runaway" on this.

    Same chord progression also as Walk Don't Run, Happy Together, Stray Cat Strut etc

  9. in the sidebar on yuotube there are videos for beatles harmony that are every bit as good. so cool!
