Monday, March 09, 2015

Britney Spears is Writing Her Great Prison Novel of Eternal Suffering and Torment -- Profusely Illustrated -- Entitled "Leather Thighs"

I love the sound of squeaky latex in the morning.

Words, as they so often do these days, fail me.

Although a coveted PowerPop No-Prize© will be awarded the first reader who identifies the source of today's title.


  1. In Cold Leather --- Firesign

  2. I just can't tell whether it's from "Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers", "I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus", or "All Hail Marx And Lennon".

  3. Wading for the Erectrician Or ... Beat the Rapier

    Vickie "Girl-Girl" Rock - Latex or Leather no matter the Weather. Handcuffs or Tether and the Tail of the Feather.

  4. I don't think that sound you hear is leather Bubba.

  5. Brooklyn Girl in Queens3/11/2015 10:26 PM

    You all know that Simels wrote the liner notes to Firesign Theater's boxed set "Shoes for Industry", right?

  6. Last time I saw Richard Thompson in concert, he did a cover of Oops! It was tongue in cheek and at first I enjoyed it, but later felt deprived because it meant I would hear one less Thompson original.
