Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Where the Poultry Hits the Road

Without question, the greatest use of a found Roy Orbison song since David Lynch had Dean Stockwell lip-synch "In Dreams" in Blue Velvet.

I've said it before and I'll say it again -- the copywriters at the ad agency that do the Geico ads have the best job in the world.


  1. Pretty funny, as are all Geico ads that work.

    I always liked the cover of "Crying" in Mulholland Drive.

    Vickie Rock

  2. I lived in Wilmington, NC, where "Blue Velvet" was filmed when it came out. I lived in the neighborhood with most of the locations. I started a band, "The Crack", which was quite popular, and still fondly remembered. The film had a huge impact on all of us.
    We'd take a break by having one of our singers, Goldenthroat, recreate Dean Stockwell's performance from the film.

    Goldenthroat, BTW, lived in a top floor apartment in the building used as Isabella Rosselinis. We used to drink beers at the top of the stairs.

    Here is some video from a gig in 1987. I shot this off a TV screen and posted it on Youtube for a 25th anniversary show we did a couple years ago. His performance is spectacular.


  3. BBJ: Cool. I took I-40 from California to the east coast on a "Search for America" roadtrip. It ends in Wilmington. Never had the occasion to surf the local beaches though. Is it any good?

    Visited a friend from California who had moved out there to manage a club in Myrtle Beach. He took us to some really weird sex club out on an island. The whole trip is kinda hazy. I was in a mixed-gender band called Tossed Salad at the time, but this trip was strictly pleasure.

    Vickie Rock
