Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Oh, the Pain!

Hey -- we all lose our charm in the end.

[h/t Laura]


  1. I hope Dave doesn't commit suicide like that dermatologist of the stars after seeing this.

  2. I don't think self-esteem is one of Dave's problems.

  3. David Lee Dickhead is awful in pretty much every way you can imagine. And more so now than ever. Van Halen shut down half of Hollywood when they appeared on Kimmel a week ago. The band and their trademark harmonies, one of the few things I like about them, were on fine display, if you like that sort of shit. But David Lee was simply awful, both visually and vocally. And I mean really, really ass-clown bad. I'm sure it made it to youtube by now. Check it out for a good chuckle (and while you're at it check out their appearance on Ellen on which David is equally horrible). To top it off he hit himself in the nose with a mic stand when he was twirling it like a baton during the run-through. As a result, he had a bandaid across his nose for VH's live TV debut. A hilarious bandaid. That and an ear-to-ear smile which proclaimed that idiocy is bliss. What isn't wrong with this guy? Maybe he'll take his assless chaps out of retirement for this tour. That would make it even be better.

    Vickie Rock - on the plus side, he did buy me a couple of drinks once. And this was after I criticized the shit out of him to his face at the V.I.P. bar in the Fabulous Forum. He found that refreshing and told me so. He tried picking up on me but I told him I'd rather fuck a leper. He also found that refreshing and it was worth a coupla more drinks. The guy's an idiot and extremely lucky that he's had any kind of success.

  4. one of the links to kimmel

  5. The pain.

    The pain...

  6. The difference between the late Jonathan Harris and David Lee Roth is this: one played a pompous ass who was nevertheless very entertaining. And the other was David Lee Roth.
