Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hey -- Where Are the Palmer Girls?

Snazzily dressed in my new Hugo Boss suit but looking a tad demented at the wedding of an old friend's daughter this past weekend. Photo courtesy of a certain Shady Dame of my acquaintance.

Nevertheless, a splendid time was had by all. I particularly liked when the rabbi announced that the happy couple's life together "would be awesome." I don't think I've ever heard a rabbi use that phrase before.

Regular musical postings, rather than faux GQ spreads, resume on the morrow.


  1. The Darkness, "Everybody Have A Good Time," from 2012's Hot Cakes.

    At the start of the outro vamp, Justin Hawkins reiterates in spoken Ian Hunter fashion, "Yeh, this one could be our last," and then both punctuates and punctures it by adding, "But THAT was awesome. WOO!"

  2. Nice photo, and good to see you!

  3. Next time, put on a tie.


    That is a good looking suit, Stevie.

  4. All rabbis should be required to use that phrase from now on, though!
