Thursday, May 19, 2016

Your Thursday Moment of Compare and Contrast: Special America's National Pastime Edition

From 1982, and the great Live at Bedrock single, please enjoy the incomparable Bruce Springstone and his take on the venerable "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."

And from 2016, and their just released Holy Ghost album, here's post-emo faves Modern Baseball and "Wedding Singer."



  1. OT, but thought you might like this one, Steve. from the guy who did "The Toms".

  2. Light years and two, maybe three generations apart. That's all I can come up with. I've listened to all three Modern Baseball albums, each of which is interesting, with the band's previous album, You're Gonna Miss It All, being my fave of the three. But still. If this is emo, at least it doesn't have the tortured lead singer scream, and instead it has Brendan Lukens (I had to look it up -- he's the lead singer) with a speak-the-lyrics quality that reminds of someone else with a similar vocal quality, but whose name and band I can't place right now. The thing about Modern Baseball's albums is that there are gems like this one, Wedding Singer, that make me think that the band could be big. The band also make me think of other young-ish bands like Parquet Courts, The Wonder Years, and King Tuff. Many of the albums by these bands -- and Modern Baseball -- require multiple listenings before each worms its way into you cranium. I prefer an instant smack to the head, the perfect example of which -- for me -- was my first listen to Lloyd Cole's Perfect Skin, but sadly, you can't always get what you want, right?

  3. I think the lead singer on this Modern Baseball track is Jake Ewald. Or so my daughter tells me. She likes this band. But she likes a lot of stuff I feel is rather marginal and won't stand the test of time.

    Baseball is best enjoyed when you're playing it yourself. Or if you have season tickets directly behind the visitor's dugout. Nothing like kickin' back eating nachos with your feet on the top of the dugout. Lotsa jalapenos, of course. For me, the difference between being at the game and watching on TV is like the difference between cocaine and thorazine. TV is not an option.

    I still play in a co-ed league. I'm a really good short stop. Other teams use me as a ringer when they play tournaments. I just did one a few weeks ago near Phoenix for some major perks.

    Two of my daughters were also in softball leagues and took batting lessons from a girl who was on the Olympic team. I bought a home from an ex-Angel because it had an amazing batting cage on the premises and a huge two-story back building large enough to house both my music collection and band/studio gear. Plus stables on 4 acres. Getting that house was like hitting an inside-the-park home run with the bases loaded.

    VR - always ready for a backdoor slider

  4. Who said 'diarrhea of the mouth'?

  5. I don't give a shit if one of them botched a suicide attempt. They're a lousy band period.

    God bless 'em if they can turn their deep personal hurt into a career, but their music is beyond mediocre.

  6. Jeez, and I was worried about hurting your feelings if wrote how I really felt. Like Say Anything, and the whole fucking genre, these guys suck chuck.

    VR - working on my squeeze play
