Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Your Tuesday Moment of Words Fail Me

From Liverpool in 2014, it's The Mona Lisa Twins...

...and a jawdroppingly fabulous live cover of The Easybeats' immortal "Friday on My Mind."

There are million more of their 60s covers videos on YouTube; some of them are little twee, but a lot of them are great (I recommend "The Last Time") and what I wouldn't give to see them in a bar.


  1. Didn't you mean to say you wanted to see them in bed?

    By the way the performance is wonderful, good call.

    Scurvy Capt. Al

  2. Nice! Checkout their cover of California Dreaming too,

  3. It is one of the great regrets of my life that the Floor Models never covered this.

  4. Wow! I'm in love. Just spent a fun 40 mins on Youtube. "Bus Stop" and "While My Guitar..." are great. But most of those songs are just too familiar/over-exposed. Their original stuff is terrific ... Beatle-esque pop to nice ballads.
