Wednesday, November 09, 2016

The United States of America 1776 -- 2016

I'm numb. That's all I can say.

Regular posting will resume when some semblance of feeling has returned.


  1. Everybody say a prayer for the the age of innocence,
    Everybody say a prayer for the days gone by...

  2. The republic has survived much worse - remember how Andy Jackson told the Supreme Court to go fuck itself?

  3. Words fail. America hates itself.

  4. Jai Guru Dave11/09/2016 10:33 AM

    Orange is the new black.

  5. We're screwed. It'll be interesting to see the details of voting patterns to determine which groups of people are so stupid as to either vote for Trump or simply not vote. Sure, we know urban vs. non-urban, WWC (white working class) vs. college-educated, and white vs. folks of color, but there are other groups to look at too.

    An yes, we've suffered through Jackson and Buchanan, and Reagan and Bush. But still.

    On a positive note, I can think of at least two good things that can come out of this election. If America becomes great again, then A Horse With No Name may become our national anthem.

    The other thing I can't remember.

  6. To all the Trump supporters, in the words of Jack Reacher, "Remember, you asked for this."

  7. White evangelicals. I remain a Christian - the leopard can't change his spots - but if you hypocritical fuckers think I'm "one of you" you can all bend over and then carry my baby to term.


  8. rev-a-daam says...

    i knew it would come to this... armageddon outta here.

  9. Lucky you, rev-a-daam. I haven't got the $$. So I'll probably wind up living in an Igloo tent under a freeway overpass like the ones I currently drive by on my way into work in L.A.

  10. rev-a-daam says...

    Anna, i certainly hope it does not come to that for you... or anyone else for that matter.

    may peace and hope light our hearts, and those that will to oppress others.
