Thursday, April 20, 2017

Your Thursday Moment of Well, This is Kinda Interesting

From 2012 please enjoy Hospitality and their sort of breathless alt-rock take on the Steely Dan classic "Rikki Don't Lose That Number."

Chanced upon this one yesterday when I posted the GWAR clip from the A.V. Club. Not particularly sure I'd want to hear any of this bunch's originals, but there's something about this one that got under my skin. It helps that the original song is pretty much a masterpiece, of course.


  1. Oy. Another affectless girl singer. Suzanne Vega has a lot to answer for.

  2. I know what you mean, pal

    And I love Suzanne's singing.😀

  3. It's funny seeing dweebs like that trying to have an "attitude." Please. And you cover this and keep the original solo? Be a little creative, kids.

  4. It's really easy to hate on Steely Dan, but this song has always been a favorite. I enjoyed this version quite a bit. Thanks for sharing!

  5. The drummer kind of ruined it for me.
