Friday, July 07, 2017

Actual New Floor Models News

Long story, but we have discovered a "lost" Andy song that we are about to refurbish, starting on Monday, when ace drummer Glen "Bob" Allen -- my musical director for the last fifty years -- and I go into the studio to recreate the rhythm section from this 1982 Other End version of "You Can't Tell Me Anything."

A tune we did live for ages, but for some inexplicable reason never demoed back in the day.

I'm pretty stoked about this, obviously; I'll keep you posted on our progress.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. Will Gerry add new vocals and guitar? Will Doug step in for Andy to add the 12 string?

    Captain Al

  2. The plan is for Gerry to sing; I may take a shot at the opening 12string riff and Doug will do the rest.

  3. Excellent!

    Captain Al
