Thursday, February 01, 2018

An Old Piano and a Knockout Bass

From 1954, and the short lived tv series Show Time at the Apollo, please enjoy the incomparable Amos Milburn and his epochal boogie woogie masterpiece "Down the Road Apiece."

And that my friends, the Rolling Stones notwithstanding, is how it's done.

Incidentally, Milburn made a lot of records as good as that one, including an astounding remake of his first hit, "Chicken Shack Boogie," backed at an alarmingly fast pace by Little Richard's band. I'll see if I can find that and post it at some point.

I should add that before Milburn's untimely death at the age of 52, he suffered circulatory problems that necessitated having one leg amputated, something written about quite movingly in Nick Tosches' invaluable Unsung Heroes of Rock ''n Roll, one of the best books about the music ever.

1 comment:

  1. His "Chicken Shack Boogie" remake is a force of nature, you're right. I was already interested in postwar R&B when I first heard that version in the early '70s, but it put me totally over the top.

    Is OK to post a link?

    BTW, the Stones' version, which follows Chuck Berry more closely than Milburn, is -- and I've given this some thought over 50+ years -- my all-time favorite track by them, edging out "Rip This Joint." It is also, I aver, very much how it's done.
