Friday, March 30, 2018


Stephen Colbert has really been on a roll lately, satire of the current misadministration-wise; last night he hosted Michael Bolton singing John Bolton, which is about as hilariously meta as you can get. But the night before he did a riff about the absurdity of the latest crap emanating from supporters of President Malevolent Chauncy Gardiner that made me practically fall off my couch.

The short version (and this is completely true): Said supporters have actually suggested that Trump start a GoFundMe deal to pay for his proposed wall on the Mexican border.

I kid you not. In any case, for the benefit of his viewers who might not know what that meant, he did an extended riff on the GoFundMe page of Flaw, a modestly successful and long running indie metal band from the Mid-West who were trying to raise money to buy a van in order to get to a series of upcoming gigs.

Please behold Colbert's extended riff now and be changed. It starts at about the 6:00 minute point.

As somebody at YouTube commented -- what next, a bake sale?

In any case, the band, of course and with good reason, couldn't believe the free publicity they had just been handed, but were still tickled pink about it beneath their copious tattoos

And the cream of the jest is -- they're actually pretty good. Not my cup of tea, but not as ridiculous as I had assumed while watching Colbert riff on them either.

Have a great weekend, everybody!!!


  1. Twenty five years ago "Flaw" would have been huge. Totally fits with that era's grunge sound.

    I find the news coverage we now accept as normal would have been unimaginable back in the 1960's. We as a nation have fallen so far in such a short time. I'm embarrassed as to how the rest of the world must view us.

    Captain Al

  2. My son has showed me that there's a lot more to metal than just the cliches - more variety, more musicianship, and much more concern with the emotional and spiritual well-being of their audience. Metal really is a tribe in the old, discredited Woodstock Nation sense, perhaps moreso than any other style of popular music I can think of at the moment. I still don't especially enjoy listening to it, but I respect it in a way I didn't back when I was making fun of Black Sabbath.

  3. Of course, Flaw was born out of the ashes of the group Ceiling.

  4. Well, I'll tell ya, we've been having a lot of fun with this here in Waterloo and Cedar Falls, Iowa. Don't know Flaw (hope they get their van) but my band has been playing Spicoli's for the better part of a decade. Always a great time.
