Thursday, December 27, 2018

Conservatives Make Lousy Rock Critics (An Occasional Series)

Case in point: smarmy and inexplicably employed New York Times Op-Ed weasel Bret Stephens...

...has come out in favor of Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti as the greatest album ever.

Okay, I'm exaggerating Stephens' enthusiasm for PG, but my point remains. I mean, jeez, will we next have to endure Ross Douthat's thoughts on Madonna?


  1. anecdotal, but I also know a staunch repub lawyer who once showed us his most played list - it was all Led Zeppelin. In his case, tho, I think he had an older brother who formed his tastes.

  2. One of my favorite stories involves liberal writer Eric Alterman who ran into conservative ratfucker Brent Bozell at a restaurant before a Springsteen show in DC. When Alterman expressed surprise that Bozell was going to see Bruce, he replied "All my favorite entertainers are Communists."

    This actually happened. :-)

  3. Physical Graffiti is a great Zep album though.

  4. I remember the first week, maybe the first issue, of the right wing Washington Times had a column by Phyllis Schlafly about the (gawdawful) son "I've Never Been To Me" and how it was a desperate cry for help from all of the women injured by feminism. I knew right then the newspaper would bring me hours of right wing looney joy. Thank you Rev. Moon.
