Monday, February 25, 2019

There Goes the Neighborhood

In the process of cleaning out my late mom's house. On a deadline.

This kind of thing is nightmarish under the best of circumstances, but without boring you with the details, the entire process -- including selling the apartment -- has taken several years off my life and raised my blood pressure precipitously.

Normal music-hath-charms posting resumes tomorrow, if at all possible.


  1. My wife and I spent Saturday working on my mother-in-law's apartment as she moved to a smaller place. Spent a long weekend there a month ago and my wife stayed 5 days. A ton of work - you have my sympathy.

  2. I feel your pain. Had the same experience a few years ago with my mother. Only upside was I inherited her music collection consisting of vinyl, cd’s and even cassettes- lots of new music discoveries.

  3. Three words: rent a dumpster.

    And be ruthless. Remind yourself that it's generally only a tiny handful of items that will mean the most and indelibly evoke her memory; assume ahead of time that you're going to feel pretty lousy about being so unsentimental; buy contractor bags (they're big, they're heavy-duty, and when emptying a house/apartment, they're invaluable) and then - chuck 98% of everything. (They call it "bric-a-brac" for as reason; just toss it.) It's okay to tear up and get misty's NOT okay to dawdle and blow your deadline.

    You have, of course, my sympathies. Feel better.
