Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Your Tuesday Moment of Possibly Interesting Coincidence

So over the weekend, I was at my local CVS pharmacy and this utterly gorgeous Gin Blossoms song, from their brilliant 1992 debut album New Miserable Experience, came over the store sound system.

And I remembered just how much I had loved that record at the time. And how I regretted never having seen the band live.

And then yesterday, I discovered that they were in town and performing NME in its entirety at a local small club...

...and that I hadn't gotten the memo in time.

There's a moral to this story, I suspect, but it's probably just shoot me now.


  1. Robin Wilson of the GB is playing out with The Smithereens as their singer whenever it's not Marshall Crenshaw's or Ted Leo's turn. I love that the guys are carrying on.

  2. Yes, it's disheartening when that sort of thing happens and, unfortunately, I think every rock fan has a story like yours, Steve, at some point. Like last summer, when I went to see the reunited Pursuit Of Happiness do a free show at a park in Toronto, only to discover I'd misread the e-mail and had shown up a day late. Fred Sanford's admonishment - "You big dummy!!!" - kept going through my mind.

    Chris E.

  3. RE: Missing a train... This past year I stumbled onto the French band The Liminanas and just had to get my ears on everything by them. To my chagrin, I found that they had come thru town back in 2011 and haven't been back since. Merde!!


  4. I've seen the Gin Blossoms live several times and got to be in the studio for recording of a live local radio broadcast when they were promoting the followup to NME. Got to talk to Robin after a recent Smithereens show - he did a fabulous job. Jesse Valenzuela's solo work is worth checking out too.

  5. Yeah, well I drove through Waukegan while Raspberries were playing what was the first of the reunion shows. Had no clue of the tour. So... fuck me.
