Friday, March 15, 2019

Your Friday Moment of Words Fail Me

From 2011, please enjoy power pop gods The Left Banke (and the NYU Choral Society) and the damndest version of their masterpiece "Desiree" you'll ever hear.

Seriously, folk, I'm speechless.

Have a great weekend everybody.


  1. anyone know who was whom among the oldsters?

  2. made me listen to the "Too" album today.

  3. Half Glass Fool3/17/2019 11:02 PM

    In Nov 2012 (I looked it up) you raved about the Shocking Blue and I bought one of their Best of albums because of that post. At that time I listened to it a couple of times and it did nothing for me, other than Venus which I had heard countless rimes.

    Well yesterday I randomly pulled it out and listened to it for the first time since I bought it. I couldn't believe how great this collection was and couldn't understand why it didn't click back then. Now I'm on my third listen in two days. Thanks.


  4. That was glorious!

    Captain Al

  5. Wow, where did that come from? Now I want to hear Walk Away Rene done this way.
