Monday, May 20, 2019

Your Monday Moment of Words Fail Me

From last week, please enjoy Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey, as they join Jimmy Fallon and The Roots, in a beyond cosmic live performance of "Won't Get Fooled Again" on classroom instruments.

Apart from being absolutely the greatest thing in the history of greatest things -- make sure you stick around to the very end of the clip, so you can the genius move that Pete makes.


  1. Not always a big fan of Fallon, but he is so good with the music bits! Haven't seen Roger and Pete having ths much fun playing a Who song in quite awhile.

  2. Excellent!!!

    Pete was really into the uke. The guys playing the melodica and xylophone were pretty good holding the whole thing together.

    I guessed that Pete would smash the uke at the end, but it was kind of obvious that he would do so.

    I agree with elroy on Fallon. He's too cute by half.

  3. YES!!!

    I'll say it again...


    Captain Al

  4. Let's all agree that Roger is aging well.

    That Pete would agree to this, and do it with such wit (and apparent joy) just kills me.

    And I agree this is the greatest thing in the history of greatest things.

    Repeated viewings required.
