Monday, June 24, 2019

Son of Covers Week (Part 1): Special "If Only I Could Remember My Name" Edition

From 2019, and the soundtrack to the just-released documentary film Echo in the Canyon, please enjoy Jakob Dylan and a stunning rendition of one of my favorite songs from The Byrds' Fifth Dimension album -- David Crosby's "What's Happening."

Saw the film last night, and with one or two cavils thought it was surprisingly terrific. I should add, however, that it struck me as amusing that although Jakob Dylan is the guy interviewing the various 60s figures reminiscing in the film the subject of his father comes up exactly once.

I should also add that when the above song first appeared on the aforementioned Byrds album its title was rendered far more interestingly as "What's Happening?!?!"


  1. I was so put off by Jakob & Co.'s rendition of "Go Where You Wanna Go" on late-night TV (Kimmel, I think), with a notably off-key Jade Castrinos, that it's discouraged me from seeing this flick. Should I recant?

  2. Gotta love the claim "music from and INSPIRED by the documentary film." Suggest song rights were a bit of a problem.

  3. Good version but don't come closed to touching the original.

    Captain Al

  4. Really touched to see Petty again.

  5. Neil Young on guitar?
