Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Son of Covers Week (Part Le Troisième): Special "Mary -- You've Got Spunk. I Hate Spunk." Edition

From Late Night With David Letterman in (approximately) 1996, please enjoy the irrepressible Joan Jett and her beyond endearing cover of "Love is All Around" (a/k/a the theme song from The Mary Tyler Moore Show).

I should add that the author of said song, Sonny Curtis, is not only still with us but should definitely be a household word; his other credits include being a member of Buddy Holly's Crickets as well as writing The Everly Brothers' classic "Walk Right Back" and Bobby Fuller's "I Fought the Law." Cooler than that it does not get.


  1. Very much in agreement about Sonny Curtis. But that hairstyle for Joan at the time was very unbecoming. Except I think when she shaved her head completely.

  2. Never a Joan Jett fan, but that was cute.

  3. I remember a solo Sonny Curtis album called "Love is All Around" from, I think, 1980. It had a tune called "The Real Buddy Holly Story" that I remember being hilarious.
