Friday, December 27, 2019

You Learn Something New Every Day

So earlier this week, as a Christmas present to myself, I splurged on some Desert Rose Band CDs (I'm going through a sort of Chris Hillman phase at the moment) and I rediscovered their 1989 hit version of one of my favorite songs -- John Hiatt's "She Don't Love Nobody."

Which I had originally heard in Nick Lowe's quite different version four years earlier.

In any event, it occurred to me that I'd never heard it done by its composer, so I did a little research and guess what?

There is no extant version of it that I can find. Apparently, it was just a songwriting demo that Lowe and DRB came across. Or something.

No larger point to the story, but I must admit it surprised me.

Have a great weekend, everybody!!!


  1. Two excellent performances of a fine song. Surprised John Hiatt never recorded it. I knew the Lowe version, but the DRB is new to me.


  2. Both versions are aural pleasures. I'm with you on the Hillman kick, of which I am currently on, as well as a John Jorgenson binge courtesy of some extended DRB listening.

  3. Wow! Guess which group that DRB version reminded me of right off the bat (minus the steel guitar)?

  4. I had it amongst my 531 tracks I have of his on something called The Bug Demos 1983-85

    Found this from googling;

  5. Wow. Thanks...can’t wait to listen.
