Monday, February 03, 2020

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (An Occasional Series)

Yes, lets. Specifically my chum Marc Platt.

Marc fronted a mid-80s Los Angeles punkish power pop band called The Real Impossibles, and a compilation of their stuff (entitled It's About Time) came out on Zero Hour Records a few months after the 2013 Zero Hour release of Floor Your Love. Which made us labelmates, of course.

I had never heard of the band until the CD, but it knocked me out, and we struck up an intertube friendship, with me mostly telling him "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy"!

Here's a representative track...

...that absolutely kills me. I think comparisons to The Plimsouls are not implausible (which is about the highest praise I can give anything), and for my money the whole CD is just freaking great guitar driven rock-and-roll.

Oh, and have I mentioned perhaps my favorite Neil Diamond cover ever?

So why am I bringing this up now? Because the good folks at Rum/Bar Records have just reissued It's About Time, completely remastered and with bonus tracks, and the damn thing is better than before. If ever there was a Great Lost Album of the 80s, this is it.

Bottom line: You can -- and should -- order it from Amazon HERE or directly from Rum/Bar over HERE.

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