Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Reasons to Be Cheerful

Well, despite the fact that we're living in Poe's "Masque of the Red Death," here's some actual good news.

To wit: One of my longest-time musical heroes, Graham Gouldman -- he of 10CC, "Bus Stop," "Heart Full of Soul," "Look Through Any Window" fame -- has a new, and terrific, album out.

Charmingly titled Modesty Forbids.

That particular song really does it for me. And it reminds me that one of my favorite things about Gouldman's songwriting is that you can often tell that he's of Russian-Jewish extraction simply by listening to the music.

In any event, you can -- and should, as I just did -- download the album over at Amazon HERE.

And a big tip of the Simels chapeau to our pal Sal Nunziato -- of the invaluable BURNING WOOD BLOG -- for alerting me to the release of this gem.


  1. Excellent! Thanks Steve. Gouldman always had been an outstanding song writer and new material by him is a bright spot in this bleak environment.

  2. Blue Ash Fan3/25/2020 10:48 AM

    If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was Chris von Sneidern.

  3. By the by,"What Time Won't Heal was co-written by Bill Lloyd and appears on his last album "Working The Long Game." Stay safe there in NYC Steve.

  4. I was going to buy a Floor Models cd, but since I only buy one melodic-pop-featuring-12-string-guitar album a year, I think I will make it this one! Thanks Steve!

  5. IJai Guru Dave3/25/2020 5:48 PM

    That is just fabulous! He hasn’t lost a step!

    Looking back, I’d have to say that “Bus Stop” hit me harder than anything but the Beatles back in the day. And it never gets old.
