Monday, May 04, 2020

Your Monday Moment of Words Fail Me

From the current issue of Smithsonian Magazine.

Okay, this isn't exactly a state secret, i.e. most Beatles fans are at least vaguely aware of it. But this is pretty amazing anyway.

Read the whole thing HERE.

You're welcome.


  1. It occurs to me -- this should be a movie. :-)

  2. I had read about his trip to America before, but not in such detail.

    I agree on the movie thing.

  3. He must have stuck out a mile with that hair.

  4. i felt sad to learn that george and his sister were on bad terms in later life - in fact although i hadn't really thought of george as having a tragic life before i read this, i find it a plausible way of looking at things - not to deny that he must have felt joy, satisfaction, and wonder many times - and the music he made remains

  5. Great story, thanks!

  6. A quite poignant rock and roll story. Like most it has joy, despair, and a bit of mystery. Thanks for the article link. I thoroughly enjoyed a bit of time travel...and the realization that "all things pass". George had that special kind of brilliance that has legs to grow in stature. Family is always an entity of speculation as only those at it's core know what is really relevant. Hopefully George's sister has a modicum of comfort in knowing they re-connected within whatever else was at play. Money is another matter entirely.
