Thursday, October 15, 2020

My Heroes Have Always Been Aussies

From just the other day, please enjoy Antipodean power pop gods the Hoodoo Gurus...

...and their killer new video/single "Get Out of Dodge." And yes, that's the great Vicki Peterson of The Bangles and John Cowsill (of you you know who) singing back-up.

I should add that I've been a fan of the Gurus since forever. And by forever, I mean since they released this song...

...which is the coolest "Sweet Jane"-derived thing ever -- back in 1985.

In any case, a) if "Dodge" isn't making you jump up and down with pleasure you need medical attention and b) what a delight it was to have it show up in my mailbox last week.

I mean - wow. Sometimes I really love my job.


  1. Really good rocking song and one incredibly creepy video. My nomination for the Halloween video of 2020.

    By the way were those Trump voters as the town's people?

    Captain Al

  2. Mars Needs Guitars, for which Bittersweet is the opening track, is an excellent album. I've always been partial to Like Wow- Wipeout!

  3. So, if Bittersweet is derived from Sweet Jane, does this mean Lou is deriving this from something that was derived from Sweet Jane?

  4. So good to hear something that good from the Gurus again. Thanks for the tip. And if you haven't heard the wonderful DM3 from Western Australia (where the Hoodoo Gurus started... maybe something in the water there), try this one:

    - Paul in DK

  5. Ooo I concur on DM3! I just bought the cd with that track a couple weeks ago. Had the song in that youtube clip on repeat for a while.
