Friday, October 09, 2020

To Thine Own Self Etc...With a Good Beat and You Can Dance to It!

From his about to be released (October 16, on Omnivore Records) new album Be True to Yourself....

...please enjoy power pop god/last surviving member of Badfinger (boy, do I hate typing that) guitarist Joey Molland and his thoroughly swell new song "All I Want to Do."

That's utterly charming, I think, and all the more so because if you listen very very closely you can hear a quote from Badfinger's "No Matter What" near the end. And if I have to tell you why that's cool I have no idea why you're reading this here blog.

In any case, you can (and should) order the album -- which is consistently strong -- over at Amazon HERE.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. I'm so happy this doesn't stink. Not only does it not stink, it's really sweet and solid, and that "No Matter What" quote gave me a little chill.

  2. That's a great way to start my Friday night! Love the harmonies.

    - Paul in DK

  3. Rainy Day Man is also good. It sounds this good thanks to the power pop craft production of Mark Hudson. It should be a good CD.
