Thursday, March 18, 2021

It's Live at CBGB's Week: Special "To Sleep Perchance Etc." Edition

And from 1976, please enjoy pride of the Bowery demimonde Mink DeVille and their fabulous Stones/Lou Reed/Springsteen mashup "Let Me Dream If I Want To."

I was a gigantic fan of those guys, and their first two studio albums for Capitol, produced by the great Jack Nitzsche, are as good as it gets.

That said, I have a shall we say hilarious yet terrifying story about a persoal encounter I had with Willy DeVille that I've never written about.

Get me drunk some time and I'll tell it to you.


  1. Blue Ash Fan3/18/2021 9:07 AM

    The late, great Tommy Keene did a very good, albeit pretty straightforward, cover of this on his covers album, Excitement at Your Feet. Just proves the man had great taste.

    The first Mink DeVille album is a lost classic.

  2. My favorite track on the album. I think Mink DeVille wins this CBGBs Battle of the Bands. Of course most of the heavy hitters didn't report for duty.

    Captain Al

  3. Blue Ash Fan3/18/2021 10:17 AM

    Definitely agree that Mink DeVille stole the set, Captain, but I'd take Cadillac Moon over Let Me Dream. Just insanely cool. YMMV

  4. Jai Guru Dave3/18/2021 11:23 AM

    Steve - you tease!!

    Tell the story!!

  5. Great song, Rock Tease.

  6. Sorry, friends, I really wouldn't feel right airing it in public. Even though everybody involved in it, apart from me, is dead.

  7. I have a John Fahey story like that.

  8. Jai Guru Dave3/19/2021 11:37 AM

    So when you’re dead too, and the circle is unbroken, will you tell it then?

    Cold comfort Steverino!!

  9. I love Mink DeVille. I remember asking you about Willie DeVille on here when he died, and I got the distinct impression that you didn't get along with him. Boz Scaggs did a great version of "Mixed Up Shook Up Girl."
