Thursday, April 15, 2021

We Interrupt Mr. and Mrs. Steve Earle Week to Bring You the Greatest Topical Song of the Current Century

From the privacy of their individual homes, Mick Jagger and Dave Grohl wax poetic over the state of the pandemic.

This is a masterpiece. Period, full stop, end of story. And I don't want to hear another fucking word about prog-rock.


  1. Excellent!!

    It's been a long time since I've seen Jagger play guitar.

  2. Imagine if this was the lead off track on a new Stones album!

  3. Okay, I played it twice and- even though it's a minute too long- it's got hooks. The playing is impeccable. But the topical lyrics seem forced. Jagger was always better with sex songs. Good, not great. Egads, I just caught myself channeling Christgau.

  4. Good one Anonymous! Keep us honest.

    Alzo: I like the lyrics more than the tune or recording.

    Butch: If this was the lead off track of a new Stones album I'd be complaining that Don Was has ruined another Stones album!

    I wonder if we'll even remember to listen to this track beyond this weekend. I'm not sure it has the legs. Jeri Hall most certainly did!

    Captain Al

  5. I enjoyed it. Can't remember the last time Jagger looked like he was having that much fun, and fun is infectious (... see what I did there? nudge nudge wink wink?).

  6. The lyrics, to the extent I understood them at all, sounded like they wanted to complain but temporized so they wouldn't the grief Van Morrison got. The track is great.

  7. Captain Al

    *Rupert Murdoch has entered the chat*

  8. Reminds me a little of "Where The Boys Go" from "Emotional Rescue".

  9. I think, rather than lose the fun & spontanaity of the thing, they didn't labor over the lyrics, but rather went with the first draft, including "fill in" lyrics that would normally have been reworked later.

    'Cause some of the phrases don't make a whole lotta sense, but really, who cares?

  10. Gummo: You said what I hesitated to say: yes, the lyrics seem like a first draft. Superstars don't have editors, ya know.

  11. Haik Mendelovich4/17/2021 4:44 AM

    Mick's voice has held up incredibly well... as has Mick, actually.

    Dave Grohl is some kinda genius.

    PS - Why am I sure that this is leagues better than whatever the Stones next release?

  12. Hello, please remain seated,
    Jon Pareles trashed this song in today’s NYTimes. I disagree with his take.

