Monday, May 17, 2021

RETURN OF THE SON OF GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! WEEK -- Episode One: From the Mean Streets of the Disney Channel

Why didn't I get the memo on this one sooner?

Seriously, this was from just last year. How did I miss it?

In any case, wow -- this kid can sing.


  1. the antidote to Billie Eyelash

  2. Oh, dear. At the risk of getting exiled from this platform, I have to differ. I caught the rerun on CBS between games of the men’s NCAA final four (this year, there was extra time between the two games and they inserted a mini-Super Bowl halftime show brought to you by the sweethearts formerly known as Clear Channel). Ms. Cyrus came in like a wrecking ball and proceeded to blast her way through a beloved New Wave oldie. The languid charm of Ms. Harry’s original was nowhere to be heard as Ms. Cyrus made this listener nostalgic for the subtleties of Mssrs. Loaf and WK. In the contest of singer v song, Ms. Cyrus obliterated the competition. The Ethel Merman of our epoch. All lungs, all the time.

  3. Cyrus does a nice job covering Dolly Parton's "Jolene", too

  4. Yes she can actually sing quite well, and not bad to look at either.

  5. Way too bombastic.
