Monday, May 24, 2021

Your Monday Moment of Words Fail Me

From his brand new album, please enjoy Sir Tom Jones (and I love typing those words) and his devastatingly topical new single "Talking Reality Television Blues." A cover of a Todd Snider song, and if you don't know him, well, we'll deal with him later in the week.

In the meantime, however -- gee, I wonder who that song could be ultimately about?

Seriously, that is just beyond awesome; in fact it's as good and exciting a record as any I've heard yet in this young year.

I should also add that the cat who sings it is 80 fucking years old.


  1. Tom Jones has had one of the most ambitious and credible late careers of anyone from the 60's.

    He has been adventurous in both material and taken risks with arrangements. He is clearly a restless and driven artist who gets almost no notoriety for the body of his work.

    It's hard to be typecast as a sixties pop star and an Elvis wannabe.

    He has aways followed a creative muse.

    A lot to discover if you dig a bit. Worth your time. His new album is simply stellar.

    And yes, the man can still sing.

    Great post!


  2. TOM RULES! (and so does Wendell ;-))

  3. "Reality killed by a reality star."

    That's sheer genius, and like I said, I'm gonna have some other stuff to say about Todd Snider. :-)
