Tuesday, June 22, 2021

It's Lovin' Spoonful Tribute Concert Week: Part I -- And Speaking of Gorgeous

From early 2020, please enjoy The Wild Honey Orchestra -- featuring friend of PowerPop Rob Laufer on lead vocals -- and an utterly exquisite cover of the Spoonful's "Darling Be Home Soon."

Good thing Cars guitarist Elliot Easton got back from the mens room in time to do his Zal Yanovsky impression.

For the record, the WHO is a loose collective of superb musicians, mostly from Los Angeles, that gets together from time to time to do concerts, for charities, as tributes to the music of artists that influenced both them and the culture at large. This Spoonful tribute -- which took place just before the pandemic shut everything down, and which I would have absolutely killed to attend -- is particularly notable in that all three of said band's surviving members participated. More about that tomorrow.

I should add that Rob Laufer sings lead on a track from the forthcoming Floor Models tribute album to The Byrds, but we'll talk about that later.


  1. Amazing, Beautiful, wearing my tie dye. ;-)

  2. Lovely version of a song that never fails to turn me into a melted puddle of sentimental goo.

  3. One more thing - Sebastion was a huge favorite of mine, I was @ 18, just introduced into a "different mindset"...lol. You and Me and Rain on the Roof - spent most of that summer listening to him as a 19 year old lifeguard dialing in our pirate radio. rbm
