Friday, August 20, 2021

Great Lost Singles of the Sixties: Part V -- Special "You Oughta See Them Do The Swim" Edition

From 1965, and the B-side of "Ride the Wild Surf" (which is pretty transplendent in its own right) please enjoy the genius that is Jan and Dean and "The Anaheim, Azusa And Cucamonga Sewing Circle, Book Review And Timing Association."

This is another of those period classics that I had on a 45rpm single -- in mono back when -- and finally flipped out over when I heard the genuine stereo version in the late 60s/early 70s. I should add that it is the absolute apotheosis of production on a surf record. An utter masterpiece.

Have a great weekend everybody!!!


  1. Jai Guru Dave8/20/2021 12:04 PM

    This is (one of the places) where you and I part company.
    I’m genuinely mystified how you find this appealing. Please explain.

  2. My friend had this on 45 - we listened to it repeatedly trying to make sense of it. Didn't have much luck, but we liked it.

  3. Jai Guru Dave:

    a) It's hilariously funny.

    b) The instrumental backing track (by the Wrecking Crew) totally kicks ass.

    c) The baroque Bachian choral parts at the end of the choruses (particularly after it modulates at the end) are pure genius, on a level with some of the baroque influenced stuff the Beatles did.

  4. A lot of effort went into this track, sort of the 'Bohemian Rhapsody' of Surf music. That is, it's fun in its own preposterous way.
