Friday, August 13, 2021

Songs I Thought I'd Posted About Here Back in the Day But Apparently Never Did (An Occasional Series)

From 1980, and their eponymous debut album, please enjoy New Wave rockers Gary Myrick and the Figures and their exquisite should've-been-a-giant-hit-single "Deep in the Heartland."

Myrick seems to be a more than usually interesting guy; for starters, he's obviously a talented graphic artist (he did the album cover for the above). Which has a sort of Jean Cocteau vibe, doncha think?

I should add that there's a very good chance I'll be covering (as in recording my own version of) said song sometime before the year is out. I'm not kidding about this. Hey -- a boy needs a hobby.

Have a great weekend, everybody!!!


  1. Jai Guru Dave8/14/2021 10:29 AM

    LOVE the sound of the guitars on this!

  2. Me too. Also the electric piano.
