Monday, November 22, 2021

It's Complete Utter Shit Week: Part I -- Mrs. Pigface Sings Brooker/Reid Really, Really Badly

From 1993, please endure the insufferable Sarah Brightman butchering Procol Harum's classic "A Salty Dog."

The reason I bring this up is because the other day I was researching back issues of the Magazine Formerly Known as Stereo Review to find stuff for the forthcoming book of my critical greatest hits, and I stumbled on a sort of short takes feature we used to run (called Quick Fixes. Heh). And here this was, and it cracked me right up.



A&M 31454 0083 (52 min)

Enya on helium? New Age electro-pop from hell? Whatever it is, it's courtesy of the Phantom of the Opera ingenue formerly married to the equally annoying Andrew Lloyd Webber, and I say get it outta here. Docked numerous points for a horrendous cover of Procol Harum's "A Salty Dog," which the without-a-clue chanteuse strips of all melodic interest or drama. S.S.

In any event, more of this stuff from now till Friday.


  1. Getawaygoober11/22/2021 5:49 AM

    Speaking of optics... The Sarah-Andy coupling must have been quite the yin-and-yang for the concert circuit. You're right... just because one can hit the high notes doesn't mean they're always obligated.

  2. Just checked her official website (, She'll be up in your neck of the woods this weekend, maybe she'll comp you some tix;>

  3. Is english her second language?

    Brooker and Reid are turning over in their graves! This rendition sent them to their early graves.

    did I spell rendition correctly?

    Captain Al

  4. Is that 'rendition' like rendition to Gitmo?

  5. Alzo:

    No, not Gitmo. What is the correct spelling for my context?

    Bad spell check! Bad! Bad!

    Captain Al

  6. Getawaygoober11/23/2021 4:44 AM

    In this case, "rendition" is spelled "slaughterhouse squeal".
