Thursday, December 16, 2021

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

And specifically, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize© will be awarded to the first reader who correctly identifies the artist who painted the stunning thingie below.

Let's just say -- we knew the cat was a genius, but this is getting ridiculous already.


  1. His draughtsmanship is improving.

  2. Geez, it's signed right there - B. Dylan. Duh!

  3. Yeah, well maybe a youngster like YOU can read the signature, but my aged eyes can't. :-)

  4. Like most of his work, its derivative of a true master...this time a poor mans Hopper (rather than a Guthrie)...:)

  5. Well, everyone's derivative of something.

  6. If there was no sig I may have guessed Bruce. As such it kind of suggests these two great folk/urban poets share more DNA than not. This is a nice surprise for me. Thanks Steve.

  7. Besides seeing a Hopper, I hear a Tom Waits song blasting on the car's AM radio.

    The painting might be derivative but it's a lot of fun to look at.

    Captain Al

  8. all you "Hopper derivative" people don't know wtf you're talking about. OK, mood, composition, maybe. But technique-wise it's nothing like Hopper, and could never be mistaken for one.
    Not perfect (the guy's head is waaay too big) but still fucking good. When did he have time to be this good, what with the never ending tour and all.
