Friday, December 10, 2021

I Like To Be In America (Although At This Historical Point In Time I Couldn't Tell You Why)

So BG and I are going to see Stephen Spielberg's new film of West Side Story on Sunday. Let me just announce in advance that I'm planning to thoroughly dig it, and I'll have much more to say on the subject on Monday.

That said, please enjoy The Nice, featuring knife-crazy Keith Emerson on keyboards, and their, er, idiosyncratic late 60s take on the musical's anthemic song "America." A version I strongly doubt its authors Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim could have contemplated.

You know, it's not exactly a secret that I more or less loathe everything remotely prog rock, but I gotta say -- that's actually kind of a hoot.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. Steve: This is the one Nice track I liked also.

    When not on tour Keith Emerson picked up spare cash working as a mohel. You can still find him on Cedar Lane Sunday afternoons drumming up business.

    Captain Al

  2. EVerything that would make ELP the monster it became was already in place. I credit Keith for keeping his vision and propelling it further in the coming years. He not only made the organ a huge part of rock and roll but he kept his foot in classical and popular music almost equally. I feel fortunate to be young in the days when the huge creativity of musicians like Keith Emerson made an impact. Except for these historical documents and the fantastic recorded legacy there is a big hole in the current rock landscape. RIP Keith, you gave us something different and compelling. Admittedly you have to be receptive (i.e. in a mindset) but if you were this was some tasty stuff.
