Friday, January 21, 2022

Fleeman to Me One More Time

Three more stories about my genius friend Gregory Fleeman, who passed away annoyingly too young earlier this week.

1. After his music career, he became fabulously successful as a screenewriter. Hollywood types will remember him for having written F/X, the terrific 1986 action comedy...

...starring Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehy, and then the subsequent spin-off TV series of the same name.

2. Sometime in the 80s, Greg did a show at the legendary Bottom Line -- still the greatest music club in Manhattan history -- and got a very nice review from The New York Times (I don't recall who wrote it, and I can't seem to find it at the Times archive, which sucks). In any case, the money quote came at the end: "Mr. Fleeman bears watching."

Some weeks later, Greg had an upcoming gig at some other Village club, and he posted a leaflet on lamposts and walls all over the neighborhood. A cartoon of a guy, circled by grizzlies, with the date of the show and the caption "Gregory Fleeman: Bears Watching" -- NY Times."

3. And this one's my favorite. Also true.

The night John Lennon was murdered (12/08/80) I -- like countless other New Yorkers -- wandered around trying to deal with the tragedy and how we felt about it. In any event, I shlepped downt Sixth Avenue from my 13th street apartment and made my way to Folk City, a Village watering hole of mine and sat down at the bar, which was deserted.

Greg drifted in a few minutes later and sat down next to me.

We looked at each other and did not speak.

Then, after a little whil a beat and said "So, Ms. Ono -- other than that, how did you enjoy the recording session?"

Rest in peace, Greg. And have a great weekend, everybody.


  1. A wicked sense of humor after my own heart. Thanks for the memories (what would he do with that straight line?).

  2. He would have worked in a reference to the Fleewomen.
