Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Dolly Parton -- Mensch

Words fail me over how cool this is.

I should add that I was lucky enough to see Dolly at a small club in the mid-70s. Also, my then girlfriend -- who was relatively short -- acquired one of Dolly's stage costumes from the period (one of those one piece bell-bottom jumpsuits with the mirrors running down the side of both legs) at a charity auction, and it fit her like the proverbial glove.

Except for you know where, obviously.


  1. Pardon me for starting this with a well-worn cliche:

    IMAGINE A WORLD where celebrities are all truly talented and truly decent humans like Dolly Parton...

  2. Dolly is better than all pf us....

  3. You knew the RRHOF would run out of qualified inductees soon enough (Styx?) and start poaching artists from elsewhere. You could say they've been doing it from the beginning. Dolly is just the first person to call them on it, in her own super-polite way. BTW, is Hank Williams in? Bill Monroe? Wanda Jackson? They're all more Rock and Roll than she is. But until they induct NRBQ I'm not paying attention.

  4. In fairness, Hank Williams, Bill Monroe, and Wanda Jackson all can be glimpsed at the actual R&RHOF Museum, which is one of this country's cultural swellest institutions.

  5. Pete, I grew up in New Haven, CT.
    Big AL Anderson had many bands that I saw him in including NRBQ

  6. I know it has one of Monroe's stage suits, right near Richie Valens' childhood roller skates.
