Thursday, June 16, 2022

Records I'd Forgotten Existed, Let Alone Loved: An Occasional Feature (Special "Who Were These Guys, Anyway?" Edition)

From 1965, please enjoy Brit popsters Unit Four plus Two (featuring future Argent drummer Bob Henrit) and their quite lovely Beatles/Beach Boys-esque take on the venerable pop hit "When I Fall In Love."

The song itself -- co-written written by celebrated film composer Victor Young -- was originally featured in a 1952 Robert Mitchum Cold War thriller, and has been covered innumerable times, including by Linda Ronstadt and Rick (It Was Ghastly) Astley.

The version above, however, was the B-side of the international hit "Concrete and Clay," and as a teenager I used to play it obsessively. I mean more than the A-side; it had a Dion and the Belmonts doo wop vibe that somehow connected with the pre-college me.

A lovely record, in any case, and nice to be re-acquainted with it after all these years.


  1. Well, that was delightful. I'm surprised you didn't mention that Henrit was also a future Kink.

  2. Digging the Duane Eddy tone sneaking in. And they could sing.

  3. Russ Ballard of Argent was also in the group.

  4. Argent- now there's a group that's seriously under-appreciated. The only Prog band I've ever really liked. 'Be Glad' has always been in heavy rotation at my place. Interesting that Henrit and Ballard were the 'Plus Two.'

  5. Jeezus Krist - 1965 - our vintage 6' stereo with radio, very Ozzie and Harriet parents. We lived in a small town where the only place you could buy records was the "Ben Franklin"" where it sold a lot of cover records - LSS - Unit 4 +2 , Concrete and Clay was among my first records Thx for the memory
