Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Perry Mason and The Case of the Swingin' Savoyards

Okay, I didn't see this one coming.

That's the splendidly droll title track from my old friend (and occasional bandmate) Ronnie D'Addario's forthcoming new album. And apparently I didn't get the memo about Ronnie mutating into a latter day disciple of Gilbert and Sullivan.

Meanwhile, attentive readers will recall that Ronnie is also the proud father of the hippest young band on the planet, (who also have an album due out momentarily), the Lemon Twigs. Seen below in an appearance on the Jools Holland show, using my vintage Fender Bassman amp...

...on stage right.

In any case, you can and should order or stream Ronnie's new album (which, from what I've heard so far is more traditionally rock oriented) over HERE. (His earlier albums, which are all rapturously melodic power pop, are available there as well.)

A message from Ronnie:

"Release date is May 11th. Perfect Mother's Day present! The Lemon Twigs album is out May 5th. I hope I don't take away from their sales."


  1. Okay, so this is where the sons get it from. Love the amp BTW.

  2. I had the amp completely refurbished before I gave it to the kids.


  3. Steve, the Gilbert and Sullivan is apropos- listen to the H.M.S Pinsfore
    Your friend has that same quality
    BTW - If any of you readers listen you will find the roots of Monty Python

  4. Damn that amp brings back memories.
    We could only afford Fender Twin Reverbs, Silverstone and Ampegs.
    Recently heard a great story about the
    "Tweed" - apparently Army surplus cloth after WW2. - It was a cheap,
    tough fabric needed for the R/R Honky Tonk touring

  5. Completely forgot about Kustom Amps - that sparkly naugahahyde.
    Young punks that we were hated them.
    Lemon Twigs - song has Ray Davies / Kinks...maybe a bit of Freddy Mercury.
    My Bandstand Rating...8
