Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Songs I'd Forgotten Existed Let Alone Loved (An Occasional Series): Special Splendeur dans l’Herbe Edition

From 1965, please enjoy the great Jackie deShannon -- backed by none other than the original Byrds(!) -- and her quite ineffably touching "Splendor in the Grass."

In stereo, as nature intended, I might add.

I can sort of get why this wasn't a hit at the time -- the band's playing is a little raggedy if truth be told -- but there's no question the record deserves to be much better known (Byrds fanatic that I am, I actually had never heard it myself until 2010, when my late bandmate Andy "Folk Rock" Pasternack brought it to my attention). I mean, yeah, it isn't slick, but the song is, IMHO, to die for, and the minute David Crosby comes in with that unmistakable low harmony I just lose it. DeShannon eventually released another more MOR version of the song, and there were a couple of covers by other artists -- there's one on YouTube by an L.A. band called The Boys that gives it the full Mamas and Papas treatment -- but the understatement of this one is moving and sweet in a way that the others just don't get near.

In any case, I bring it up in part because of a curious accident of fate. DeShannon is married to Randy Edelman, a singer/songwriter and film composer of some repute I actually went to high school with, and I was already planning to have a little fun with something of his. Stay tuned -- we'll get into THAT on the morrow.


  1. Jackie deShannon, one of the most over-looked of sixties songwriters.

  2. I had no effin idea that she was American. "Every time .." has a classic
    Brit / Beatles guitar chime.
    Curiosity- did she record "What The World Needs." first or did Bachrach
    decide he needed Diane Warwick to put it over the top.
    Back in the early 60's riding my bike through New Haven her songs put a smile

  3. @dorethyroad@aol.com - I'm pretty sure Jackie recorded it first.

  4. JB - thanks to WIKI - Jackie /'65
    Warwick - '66.... Thought it was too
    country.. lol. rob

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. "a little raggedy" is an understatement worthy of Hemingway, but the song cannot be denied

  7. So sweet.

    Sounds more like a demo or rehearsal than a finished track, but kudos to the producer for realizing this rough take gad rhe nagic.
