Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A Cat Can Look at a King. A Cat Can Look at Queens, Too…

...as in our hometown of Forest Hills, Queens. The cat doing the looking in this case is, of course, our beloved new pal Mickey Six Toes©, who awaits our return from our London vacation tonight, and who could easily pass for the inspiration for The Kinks classic "Phenomenal Cat."

Regular post-vacation musical posting resumes on Thursday, after a certain Shady Dame and I have had a chance to a) unpack and b) bond anew with the Mickster.


  1. The Wikipedia entry for Phenomenal Cat chronicles some of the greatest over-analysis ever perpetrated by critics. Psychedelia? Bosh. Post-Imperial satire? Pshaw. It's a song about a cat, with a melody that almost brings the animal to life in front of your speakers.

  2. I will posit that it's the weirdest song in the Kinks katalogue. Definitely a Lewis Carroll vibe.
