Thursday, September 07, 2023

Thursday Shameless Filler: The Fab Three — and Me!!!

Courtesy of a certain Shady Dame of my acquaintance, here I am at the Paul McCartney photo show at the National Portrait Gallery in London last week.

I am extraordinarily fond of that shot, as you may well imagine.

(Incidentally, in case you were wondering, the original b&w Beatles pic was taken by the Fabs' longtime roadie and pal Mal Evans, who was watching the show from the wings and using Paul's 35mm camera.)

Coming tomorrow: The triumphal return of Weekend Listomania!

And don't even try to guess the theme, 'cause there's no way you'll get it!!

So there!!!.


  1. this reminds me of the only time i saw all the beatles in concert live and in person - at dc stadium on august 15, 1966

    the ticket had a picture of the beatles on it

    i kept that ticket with me for twenty years - as i was taking it out of my wallet to show to someone i would tell the story of going to the concert, mention some of the opening acts - bobby hebb, the cyrkle - and say "and the ticket was autographed after the show!"

    and indeed, when my acquaintance turned to the back of the ticket, there it was - MY personal autograph

    in the late 1980s somehow my wallet and i became separated - i no longer have the ticket, but i still have the story

    truly, as the utopia song - from the album "deface the music", appropriately enough - puts it

    life goes on, with or without a reason
    life goes on -- enter another season

  2. The Beatles Meet... The Man In Black :-)

  3. How do you not take a good picture of the most famous band in history - Im a Nikon, Kodachrome Guy.
    Love Todd but those lyrics give a.nod to Ray Davies, Life Goes On - Sleepwalker
