Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Parental Advisory: These Songs Are Rated ESTSA (Everyone Sits Two Seats Apart)

From 1981, please enjoy my old friend and bandmate Tony Forte and his two classics of the little-known punk off-shoot genre smut-rock. To wit -- "Hot Flash"...

and "Hard Core."

I should add that those were produced by some dweeb whose name rhymes with Sleeve Nimels, and that Tony a) wrote both songs and b) is responsible for all lead vocals and guitars. And that the amazing rhythm section is Power Pop cult legend David Grahame on bass, and none other than Corky Laing -- of Mountain and West, Bruce and Laing fame -- on drums.

The songs, of course, speak for themselves in their delightfully off-color way, and I think we can all agree that the following....

Now where is it that you get all that juice now

You make Al Goldstein look like Mother Goose now

In Georgia they would put you in the hoosegow

You're so hard core

...has the distinction of being the only lyric in rock history to namecheck the editor/publisher of Screw magazine.

A brief historical note: The above were originally released on a now collectible seven-inch vinyl EP...

...that also included two other very good songs in a more New Wave/folk-rock sort of vein than the subjects of today's post; I'm gonna put them up sometime in the near future, assuming the stuff I'm seeing on my teevee news of late isn't a harbinger of the End Times. In which case, of course, all bets are off.

[h/t Steve Schwartz]


  1. Two all time demented Forte classics.

    By the way I also addd background vocals to Hot Flash in my only vinyl appearance!

    Thanks Marcia for inviting me to join in.

    Captain Al

  2. These are smoking' tracks. The vocals are from the Jim Dandy school- not a bad thing.
