Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Closed for Erev Thanksgiving Mishegass/Monkey Business

That's "the night before Thanksgiving" for our goyische readers, BTW.

Regular postings resume on the holiday tomorrow.


  1. speaking of judeo-christian powerpop and powerpop adjacent music, i've always liked dylan's "are you ready?" - during the eve of a holiday one is getting ready

    here's a performance recorded in the city i was residing in at the time it was recorded

    a jewish young woman i dated at about that time said i was as "anglo as white bread" - true - henry wadsworth longfellow was a distant cousin of mine, and our ancestors were at the first thanksgiving in plymouth

    as mentioned, i sometimes dated women of the hebrew persuasion, and had many a jewish roommate - and yet i have ended up with a south american wife, attending a roman catholic church - it's hard to make predictions, especially about the future

    let's be kind to each other these days, to those who count as family, and those who are strangers - remember we have all been strangers sometimes

  2. mistah charley -- well said. And back at ya!!!
