Thursday, January 25, 2024

Janie (and Too Fucking Many Other People)’s Got a Gun

From just now in 2024, please enjoy veteran Canadian rockers Martha and the Muffins and their forensically powerful and desperately timely anti-firearm reworking of The Buffalo Springfield's protest classic "For What It's Worth."

I haven't thought much about these guys since their 80s New Wave "Echo Beach" heyday, but this new track is smart on a number of levels, and as you'll see, the video reinforces its point with some fabulously mordant surrealism. And I'm not just saying that because I currently find myself in Florida, i.e. an Open Carry state governed by a fascist moron.

I should add that a coveted PowerPop No-Prize© will be awarded the first reader who gleans the song's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Essay Question.


  1. a great song, a great reworking of the song with some interesting chords, and a great video

    in addition to the surrealism you mentioned, i was intrigued by the fact that one scene takes place in a record store as people browse through lp's

    i remember the lp era very well - but since i moved to my current abode, in the last year of the 20th century, all of my lps have been in the garage and i don't have a turntable - potentially that could be changed, but where to put it/them?

    could the weekend theme be something like 'everything old is new again'?

  2. That? Was fucking brilliant.

  3. Steve - Best or Worst Post-Elvis Songs Featuring A Weapon (Gun, Knife, Gunboat, Bomber Plane, etc.)

    Mistah C - There are a lot of fine independent record stores in the U.S. and Canada, and LPs have actually made a big comeback at retail in the last 10-12 years. I work for a company in Toronto that has three record stores and business is very good right now.

  4. Hint: the theme has nothing to do with weapons or violence.😎

  5. that was an outstanding cover version; video was amazingly creepy.

  6. What record did they buy?? Revolver.

  7. This might be the video of the year.

    New music from long lost musical acts?

    Captain Al

  8. cover versions putting a significantly different spin on the originals. rs

  9. How about "Best Or Worst Post-Elvis Songs Done By Canadian Rock Acts" ?

  10. Bands containing alliteration in their names.

  11. getawaygoober1/26/2024 2:54 AM

    Uh, Steverino... need to run fact-checker before an attempt at political commentary.
    According to Jacksonville Sheriff Dept.,

    Myth: Open carry is permitted.

    Fact: Open carry is still illegal in Florida under most circumstances. You may openly carry a firearm if you are engaged in or traveling to / from fishing, camping, hunting, or test / target shooting.

  12. Martha and the Muffins are also responsible for one of the best feminist anthems of all time: Women Around The World At Work, from the 1981 album, This Is The Ice Age, a great, great album.


  13. Best post-Elvis band or artist to incorporate elements of Mummenschanz into their performance art.
