Thursday, February 01, 2024

Ah to Be In EPCOT When the Heather Is In Bloom

So as alert readers are aware, a certain Shady Dame and I spent a delightful couple of days at Disney World last week. Memorable moments are too numerous to mention, although purchasing this hat...

...clearly rates amongst the top ten.

That said, one of the truly unexpected pleasures of the trip took place at the park's UK simulacrum, where we were treated to a fabulous 20 minute set by Brit-rock tribute band Command Performance. Seen below rockin' out at the picturesque little EPCOT gazebo that is apparently their home base.

I can't find any information online about these guys -- what, no website or homepage? How weird! -- but whoever they are, as you can plainly hear, they're tons of fun. Seriously, I've never encountered anybody doing a credible "Baba O'Reilly" before. I mean, where the hell did they get those samples of Townshend's synthesizer parts?

Coming tomorrow -- a Weekend Essay question that's particularly close to my heart for reasons that may amuse you. See you then!!!

1 comment:

  1. Many,many years ago I would sit in front of the TV and watch the
    Mickey Mose club. Mouse cartoon time now is here . Anyway my Mom brought me too Macy's in the 50s.
    They had Jimmy, the show host.
    I recall the store/ room was packed with kids a similar age. My Mom bought me a M/M hat that I proudly wore. .God I was a young Sheldon
    Rob ;-)
