Wednesday, March 27, 2024

These Kids Today, With Their Loud Music and Their Long Acronyms!!!

From 1965, please enjoy Paul Revere and the Raiders, featuring criminally underrated lead guitarist Drake Levin, and their killer instrumental "B.F.D.R.F. Blues."

That was the b-side to the Raiders epochal hit "Just Like Me," BTW. And if you've ever wondered what an a-list early '60's northwest proto-punk band sounded like live, listen no further.

More to the point -- a coveted PowerPop No-Prize© will be afforded to the first reader who can identify what B.F.D.R.F. stands for. Without looking it up, of course.


  1. um big fat dead red fox?

  2. Hint: it’s a Big Daddy Ed Roth reference.

  3. Yep. The whole thing is “Big Fucking Deal, Rat Fink.”

    You get the honorary prize, pal😎

  4. Having grown up out west in Portland, I have long known what that spells...the band even played my high school one Friday night after a football game! (The next year, The Sonics also played the same cafeteria.)

  5. Mark Lindsay on saxophone?

  6. He kinda sings like a saxophone player - big chesty tone.

  7. drake levin's wikipedia bio has an interesting account on how jimi hendrix was impressed and inspired by him - it might well be true

  8. I bought this 45 when I was a kid, and had no idea what to make of the B side, but found it fascinating.
    I also had the Kicks 45 with "Shake It Up" as the flip which is similar in style to BFDRF.
    I always got a "kick" out of the control room voice at the end "You guys have got to be kidding".
